Types of Zoning – Classification and Land Use

Zoning types
Picture of Jennifer Booker

Jennifer Booker

Contributing Writer | Architecture & Design Writer

Creating harmony within diverse living areas is possible thanks to urban planning known as zoning. Zoning is a process of dividing areas into specific types, where each type has its role in the city’s structure.  

Different types of zoning help keep the city organized, efficient, and thriving, so it’s very important to understand how they work together to shape the environment we live in. 

Stay with us as we’ll reveal rules that need to be met for each zoning type, we’ll explain the system of zoning types and discover how overall landscape planning works.

What are the zoning classifications?

Zoning classifications
Zoning classifications ensure proper land use

Zoning classifications are categories that define how land can be used. Before buying a property, you need to know its land zoning type. Zoning will help you know whether you can use the land for your intended purposes or not.  The most common zoning types are:

  1. Residential zoning
  2. Commercial zoning
  3. Industrial zoning
  4. Agricultural zoning
  5. Rural zoning 
  6. Historic zoning
  7. Aesthetic zoning
  8. Combination zoning 

Each category has particular regulations and guidelines for different land use. The plan that shows zoning regulations is called the subdivision plan design and it dictates permissible land use, setbacks, and density. 

These zoning classifications ensure urban development and balanced usage of land so it’s important to understand how each category contributes to cities and meets the standards of different communities. 

Zoning classifications are closely linked to building permits that regulate construction activities according to specific zoning laws. Zoning rules determine how and where to build, while building permits ensure those construction projects comply with local regulations and authorities. 

In the following text, let’s explore each zoning type in more detail.

Residential zoning 

Types of residential zoning
The most common type of zoning is residential zoning

Residential zoning is the most common type of zoning and it includes:

  1. Single-family residential – usually designed for single-family detached homes
  2. Suburban homesteads – areas located in the suburbs of urban centers
  3. Mixed-use residential (homes, apartments, duplexes, trailer parks, co-ops, and condominiums) – combining residential units with other uses

Residential zoning deals with where to post a mobile home on a property and how many structures can be built. This is best illustrated through residential site plans.

Residential zoning includes laws that allow animals to be at a residence. These laws show limits on which animals are allowed in residential areas as well as the number of them, which is based on the property’s size.

Commercial zoning 

Types of commercial zoning
Commercial zoning manages business areas

Commercial zoning refers to the usage of land for business and commercial activities. It promotes economic activity and shapes urban areas. 

Commercial zoning includes:

  • Office buildings
  • Shopping centers and shopping malls
  • Hotels and motels
  • Nightclubs
  • Warehouses.
  • Available land that can be used for commercial type of business

These regulations also control parking and the size and appearance of buildings.

Industrial zoning

Types of industrial zones
Industrial zoning refers to areas designed for industrial use

Industrial zoning regulates areas that are designed for industrial activities and different types of business. These zoning types are separated from residential commercial areas to reduce pollution, traffic impacts, and noise.  

Some infrastructure such as roads, waste management, and utilities are very important for supporting industrial operations in these zones. 

Factors in industrial zoning include setback requirements, building height, and the business’s floor area. Buildings like airports usually have their designation while manufacturing plants and storage facilities have industrial zoning. 

Agricultural zoning 

Types of agricultural zoning
Agricultural zoning is intended for areas with farm activities

This type of zoning is usually found in communities that want to maintain the economic growth of the farm industry and limit the use of land that’s not used for farm purposes. 

This zoning type limits the density of development and protects areas designated for agricultural activities from wrong uses. The goal is to encourage food production and economic opportunities such as farming and agritourism. 

Rural zoning

Types of rural zoning
Rural zoning effectively manages land in rural areas

Rural zoning controls the usage of land in rural areas. The focus is on preserving the agricultural land, maintaining the rural character of communities, and protecting the environment. It preserves growth and enhances life quality in communities.

Historic zoning 

Types of historic zoning
Historic zoning aims at preserving areas of historical significance

Historic zones are considered all homes and buildings older than fifty years. A lot of these buildings are eligible for tax incentive programs. 

This type of zoning has the goal of preserving areas of cultural, historic, and architectural significance. New constructions and any kind of new alterations are strictly regulated to save landmark integrity. Historic zoning also aims to preserve the historic characteristics of homes and neighborhoods and enhances the economy with heritage tourism.

Aesthetic zoning

Types of aesthetic zoning
Aesthetic zoning affects building designs and landscaping in urban planning

Aesthetic zoning is responsible for regulating and controlling the visual appearance of buildings and structures. It includes landscaping, mailboxes, color schemes, fences, solar panels, decks, material types, and satellite dishes.

This type of zoning helps protect property values, promotes tourism, and maintains a visually appealing environment. 

Combination zoning

Types of combination zoning
Combination zoning is a mix of land uses

Combination zoning combines using different land types within a certain zone or district. This approach is different from traditional single-use zoning that has designed areas for commercial, industrial, or residential purposes. 

Its goal is to promote mixed land usage for urban development in a specific area. This way, combination zoning can help a variety of communities in supporting their needs within a space. It also reduces urban sprawl and encourages greater walkability inside communities. 

Land use zoning

Types of zoning for land
Land use zoning provides an overview of different types of land classification

In urban planning, land usage is a part of zonal characterization. Each zone has its regulations criteria, and rules on what can be built on a certain property. 

Four major types of land zoning include

  1. Functional zoning – The most common use of land zoning is based on its intended use, such as industrial, residential, or commercial. Each category has its own rules and regulations on allowed activities and building construction. The idea of this approach is that specific areas for urban functions increase efficiency and reduce the negative impacts of wrong land use.
  2. Form-based zoning – Zones can be based on physical characteristics, especially from an urban identity perspective, like the downtown area. Zoning like this is more relatable to communities because it uses known zonal definitions and helps create urban identity. 
  3. Intensity zoning – This type of land zoning defines land usage by the allowed intensity level like the number of residential units per surface unit or permitted commercial surface. Regulations like this provide a certain level of flexibility in urban development by allowing developers to choose what type of development will take place while obeying the density constraints. To avoid excessive usage of real estate, density can be set to minimum criteria. 
  4. Incentive zoning – This type of zoning is frequently part of revitalization or development plans where creators have permission to build commercial, industrial, or residential projects in different areas while providing numerous incentives like basic infrastructure or tax abatement. 

Cities need to find a balance between restrictions that are set by zoning rules and regulations so they can avoid potential conflicts among stakeholders while at the same time, maintaining urban development. 

There is also an exception to zoning regulations that can allow certain land use under specific conditions. A conditional use permit provides flexibility within strict zoning classifications, allowing communities to fulfill unique needs.

Zoning types shape our living environment

Zoning is an elementary aspect of urban planning that affects our everyday lives. Each zoning type has its role in keeping the balance between life quality and economic growth. Understanding different types of zoning in town planning helps us acknowledge our urban environments. 

Zoning types ensure efficient land use and safety which makes them essential for creating sustainable living areas. We are evolving and expanding our cities every day, and thanks to zoning and its systematic types, we shape our communities and make space for future generations. 

For a successful urban development project, make sure you have a zoning permit and a site plan for permits. Both are essential components of the process as they ensure that new development complies with local laws and regulations.

Site plan for permit

To make the permitting process quick and easy, feel free to contact us. We specialize in providing detailed site plans, ensuring all legal aspects are met. Our expert team is ready to assist you in bringing your idea to life!

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Picture of Jennifer Booker

Jennifer Booker

Contributing Writer | Architecture & Design Writer
During my career, I’ve written articles on interior design, home remodeling, and renovation with an emphasis on money-saving tips and DIY ideas. It’s been a rewarding journey and I am thrilled to continue helping others bring their architectural visions to life.

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