If you ever wondered what is a cul-de-sac, or a joist, or a rafter, look no further. Here is a detailed building terms glossary with planning and construction terms, common phrases, definitions, pictures and examples.
1. Acre
An acre is a unit of land/area that equals 4,840 square yards or 0.405 hectare.
2. Adaptability or Adaptive Reuse
This is a process where the existing building is going to be altered and used for a different purpose. Adaptability is the ability to change the space for use beyond the one originally intended.
3. Aggregate

Aggregate is raw, natural material used in construction. This material is mined, and it can vary from coarse to medium grained.
4. Architect
An architect is a person who designs buildings, advises and supervises their construction.
5. Architectural drawing
This is a technical drawing, plan or a sketch of a structure that is going to be built.
6. Arterial road

This is a high-capacity urban road. Its main function is to carry longer distance flows between urban centers.
7. ASTM (American Society of Testing Materials)
ASTM is an international standards organization that is developing international standards for materials.
8. Balconette

Balconette is a false balcony. It consists of railing at the outer plane of a window-opening reaching to the floor.
9. Baseboard
It is a board that covers the lowest part of the wall, touching the floor. It is usually between 3 and 8 inches tall.
10. Bay window

This type of window is projecting outwards from the wall. This term is used for all protruding window structures, no matter if they are angular or round.
11. Beam
A sturdy, structural piece of timber or metal that is used to support the roof of the building.
12. BIM (building information modeling)
BIM is a process that includes digital creation and transformation of structures used by architects, engineers and construction managers.
13. Blocking
In construction, blocking refers to using any type of framed construction to backup an installation on a ceiling, wall or floor.
14. Blueprints

A blueprint is a two-dimensional reproduction of a technical drawing. Nowadays blueprints aren’t blue anymore, they are usually white with black and gray lines.
15. BOQ (Bill of Quantities)
This is a document used in the construction industry that shows materials and labor, and the cost of it.
16. Box Crib
Box cribbing is used for stabilization and support for heavy objects during construction. Box crib is an arrangement of stacked wood.
17. Building Engineer
Building engineer is an expert in structural engineering. Their responsibility is to make sure that structures are safe and meet all legal requirements.
18. Building permit
A building permit is an official approval issued by the local government agency that allows you or your contractor to proceed with either construction or remodeling project on the desired property.
19. CAD (computer-aided design)
CAD is a software used for creating, designing and modifying digital projects.
20. Cathedral Ceiling

This is a tall and symmetrical type of ceiling with the peak in the center.
21. Concrete
Concrete is a material used in construction. It is composed of aggregate bonded together with cement.
22. Coffered Ceiling

In architecture, the word coffer means indented. Coffered ceiling is a type of ceiling with rectangular or square pattern, which is indented.
23. Crown Molding
Crown molding is a decorative element between ceiling and walls. It is a trim that separates walls and ceiling, and gives a finished look.
24. Cul-de-sac

Cul-de-sac is a street that is closed on one end, also known as dead end.
25. Damp Proofing
Damp proofing is a process of applying coating to walls in order to prevent moisture from passing into the interior of the structure.
26. Demolition permit
Demolition permit is an official legal document that gives you the right to demolish a structure that requires a building permit.
27. Dimension
In architecture and construction, dimensions refer to measures between two points.
28. Dropped Ceiling
Dropped ceiling is a secondary ceiling that is just below the main, structural ceiling. Its main purpose is to hide building infrastructure, like pipes and wires.
29. Drywall
Drywall, also known as plasterboard, is a panel made from gypsum wrapped in cardboard. It is used to cover the interior walls and ceilings.
30. Easement
An easement is an agreement between two parties, where one is granted the right to use someone else’s real estate for a specific purpose.
31. Elevations

In the construction industry, elevations are two dimensional drawings that show the height, length, width and appearance of a building or a structure.
32. Enclosure
Enclosure is any part of a structure that physically separates interior from exterior.
33. Facade
Facade or façade is the external part of the building, the ‘face’ of the building.
34. FAR (floor area ratio)
Floor area ratio is the ratio between a structure’s floor area in relation to the size of the lot/parcel that the structure is located on.
35. Field Measure
Field measures are done multiple times throughout the building process. It is on site measuring, ensuring the accuracy of the entire process.
36. Floor plan

A 2D floor plan is a type of diagram that shows the layout of a property or space from above. It will often show the walls and room layout, plus fixed installations like windows, doors, and stairs as well as furniture.
37. Footing
The footing is the structural part of the foundation. Its purpose is to transfer the load to the larger area on soil.
38. Foundation
The foundation is the lowest part of the structure, it is typically underground. It is essential in building a structure, since it is the main supporting component.
39. General Contractor
This is a person who is in charge of the building process. His responsibility is to oversee the entire construction project.
40. Girder
The girder is a large iron or steel beam, which supports other smaller beams.
41. Green belt
A green belt is an area where building is prohibited. It acts as a buffer between different cities or cities and the countryside.
42. Green Wall

A green wall is a vertical structure that is intentionally covered with plants and vegetation. They are also called living walls or vertical gardens.
43. Historic District
A historic district or heritage district is a part of the city where a group of buildings/structures form a historically or architecturally significant area.
44. HOA permit
Homeowners Associations are volunteers from within the neighborhood who manage the common areas and community property. HOAs attempt to maintain the neighborhood’s preconceived level of quality and lifestyle. If you are building or renovating, you will have to obtain the correct HOA approval/permit.
45. Human Scale
In architecture, the human scale is the proportion between human dimensions and space. This is important so that the design can be optimized for human use.
46. HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning)
HVAC refers to different technologies and systems that are used to regulate and move air from outside to inside, and throughout residential and commercial buildings.
47. Insulation
Insulation is a general term for material that prevents and acts as a barrier for transmission of heat, sound and moisture. It is usually used to keep heat and sound inside of the structure, and to keep the moisture outside of it.
48. Joist
A joist is a horizontal structural element, used to support the structure. Joists are very similar to beams, the difference is that joists have small cross-section.
49. Knee Wall
A knee wall is a short vertical wall, usually under 3 feet high. Knee walls are used to support the rafters on your roof.
50. Landscape design

Landscaping is planning, laying out and construction of gardens that enhance the appearance and create usable space for outdoor activities around a home.
51. Level
Level is measurement of straightness, level means that something is perfectly horizontally straight. Level also refers to an instrument that helps you determine if something is horizontally straight.
52. Load-bearing wall
A load-bearing wall (also called bearing wall) is a structural element that supports the weight of elements above it (a roof or any other structure).
53. Lot
Lot is a specific piece of land, a parcel, of any size, that is owned or is meant to be owned by someone.
54. Masonry
Masonry is building structures from individual units (brick, concrete blocks, clay, and stone) that are bound together with mortar.
55. Mortar
Mortar is a building material, which is used for binding building blocks. It is a paste that is made from sand, cement and water.
56. Non-load bearing wall
This type of wall has no constructional usage, it doesn’t support any weight of the structure. The main purpose of this type of wall is to separate the rooms.
57. Paneling
Paneling (or panelling) is a decorative process where the walls are covered with panels that are usually made of wood.
58. Pillar

Pillars are vertical structural elements. They are used for support, they carry the weight of roofs or other structures.
59. Plumb
In construction, when something is defined as plumb, that means that the structure is straight up and down, it is the vertical straightness of a structure.
60. Project Manager
A typical project manager in construction is someone who supervises and oversees the planning and execution of construction projects.
61. Rafter
A rafter is a part of roof construction, it is a structural element usually made of wooden beams that frame out the roof and connect to the exterior walls.
62. Reinforced concrete
It is concrete in which metal bars, steel or wires are embedded, in order to strengthen it.
63. Rendering
Rendering is a process in construction where you put a cement mixture on the walls (usually exterior walls) to make them smooth or textured as desired.
64. Site plan

A site plan is a map of a plot, used by architects, urban planners, and engineers, showing them existing and proposed conditions of an area.
65. Site plan symbols
Many site plans contain lots of details, elements and symbols like scale, orientation, setbacks, boundaries and many more.
66. Subcontract
Subcontract is a legal agreement where parts of the obligations and tasks are done by another party, a subcontractor.
67. Subdivision design
Subdivision designs are drawings that show how parcels are divided into developable plots of land.
68. Survey
A survey in construction is a detailed study whose purpose is to determine the location of a building or structure, and to take into account the environment and natural elements.
69. Swimming pool permit
A pool permit is required for all swimming pools, spas and safety barriers. The reason why this permit is needed is to ensure the safety of its owners. If the pool is regulated and follows all requirements it will be safe for use.
70. Takeoff
A takeoff or material takeoff is establishing how much of each material is going to be needed in different stages of construction.
71. Trim
Trim is a design element of construction. Baseboard, window, door and chair rail, casing, and crown molding are all types of trims. They are there to provide a clean finish of the building.
72. Truss

A truss is a web-like structure, usually consisting of triangle elements, used for support.
73. Urbanism
Urbanism is a study that explores the interaction between inhabitants of urban areas and architectural elements built there.
74. (VDC) Virtual Design and Construction
VDC is a type of technology that creates computer-based descriptions of the project ( 3D digital models of structures).
75. Veneer
Veneer is a type of construction material, used to cover exterior walls of buildings.
76. Wildlife corridor

A wildlife corridor (or green corridor) is a connection between two parts of natural habitat that was separated by human activity. They can be created in a form of overpass or underpass and the purpose is a safe transit for animals.
77. Zoning permit
The zoning permit is the first process in the development process. It follows the zoning code. The zoning code regulates how structure is fit into the community.
- freepik photo, author: fanjianhua (link)